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On 24 May, InPrint, AUC's student-run academic journal, celebrated its tenth anniversary with the publication of the twentieth edition of the "AUC Undergraduate Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences" at the AUC academic building. The celebration marked an important milestone in the journal's history and showcased the dedication and achievements of its contributors.

A 10-year journey

Attendees were welcomed by Jannik Faierson (the current Editor-in-Chief) and treated to a speech by Henk Nieweg, one of the founding members, who recounted the journal's humble beginnings at a kitchen table. His stories of the early days highlighted the remarkable journey that InPrint has undertaken over the past decade.

Adding significance to the occasion, Dr. Rebecca Lindner, a former Head of Studies at AUC and a key figure in establishing the Undergraduate Journal in 2012, joined the celebration virtually. Dr. Lindner's reminded the audience of the interconnectedness of academic journals and their role in providing platforms for the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Launching Open Issue Vol. 20

The focus of the ceremony switched from the past to the present with the presentation of the AUC Undergraduate Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences Open Issue Vol. 20. The new issue features a collection of six compelling essays written by current AUC students, covering a range of topics and offering readers insight into subjects such as the Hungarian museum "House of Terror," inter-state monitoring for human rights protection, Barth Syndrome, and the complex relationship between violence and religion in Aceh. The selection, editing and publication of these essays was done entirely by the InPrint team.

A community effort

The InPrint team would like to extend their gratitude to the peer reviewers and editors for their valuable contributions in shaping this issue. Their expertise and insights played a major role in refining the essays and ensuring academic quality. Moreover, the team hopes that the Open Issue Vol. 20 continues to reflect the unique qualities that define AUC and the intellectual curiousity of its academic community. 

Access all of InPrint's issues

The Open Issue Vol. 20 not only commemorates a decade of excellence but also serves as a testament to InPrint's commitment to promoting intellectual discourse and advancing knowledge. All editions, including the most recent issue, of the AUC Undergraduate Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences can be found on the AUC website.