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The AUC Course Catalogue offers information on all courses given in the Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Academic Core. The AUC course catalogue is integrated in the UvA digital course catalogue. Information is available on courses offered per semester, divided between the 16-week and 4-week periods.

The AUC Course Catalogue offers information on all AUC courses given in the Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Academic Core. Courses are listed under the various disciplines at the 100, 200 and 300 levels. Some courses are cross-listed, meaning they can count as a major requirement in more than one discipline, eg. in both the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Digital Course Catalogue

From 2018 onward, the AUC Course Catalogue has been integrated into the University of Amsterdam's digital Course Catalogue. In the UvA digital course catalogue listing, information is specifically available on courses offered at AUC per semester, including the 16-week period and 4-week intensive period. You can view courses offered at AUC via the link below.

Instructions on how to access the course catalogue

To access the course listing for AUC, visit the link below and: 

  1. Click "All courses" in light grey on the right-hand side
  2. Scroll down in the filter column on the left and find the "Institutes" filter
  3. Select "AUC" under "Institutes"

AUC Course Catalogues from 2018 to 2024