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All students live on-campus for the entire three years of their studies at AUC. Learn more about the details of residential life including who to contact in case of conflict, how to change rooms and what to do if you require certain (medical) accommodations.

AUC’s unique residential concept brings AUC students together, creating a close-knit community that enhances your university college experience. On the Carolina MacGillavrylaan, the AUC Student Residences offer a comfortable and supportive living environment, guaranteed for three years of study. 

AUC’s partnership with DUWO as the student housing corporation and landlord ensures that many practical and administrative aspects of student housing are taken care of by them. Moreover, a dedicated student life team comprising DUWO staff, AUC staff, and volunteers, including RAs (Resident Assistants) and the Tenants Association, work hand-in-hand to make your time on campus memorable and enjoyable. We strive to respect individual living preferences while also promoting the overall wellbeing and collective interests of our diverse community. 

In this section, you'll find practical information related to student housing on campus.

The residential concept of AUC 

AUC is a three-year residential programme, meaning that all students live on campus for six consecutive semesters in the AUC Student Residences on the Carolina MacGillavrylaan. Housing is guaranteed for three years of nominal study (six semesters).  
After three years, the third-year cohort of students (both those graduating and those who need more time) inevitably have to make room for a new cohort of first-year students. This means that after three years of housing, it is no longer guaranteed and you will need to find a place to live off-campus. The moving out day is always on 15 July in the third summer of your studies.  
For tips on how to find housing after three years of study, read further!  

Securing housing after three years at AUC: Studentenwoningweb or ROOM 

Amsterdam has a though housing market, and rooms are scarce, but fortunately the Netherlands has quite a well-developed system of social student housing. In Amsterdam all enrolled university students are eligible for (rent controlled/social) student housing through one of its many social housing corporations. These rooms are allocated by a waiting list system and through a platform where you actively need to reply to rooms. But first, it is essential that you register yourself on the waiting list as early as possible.  The student housing corporations of Amsterdam offer student housing in almost every neighbourhood in Amsterdam and even in bordering towns (such as Diemen, Amstelveen and Hoofddorp).  
AUC students have the unique to chance to be enrolled on the waiting list, while they are comfortably living in the AUC student residences. After 3 years of being you are quite likely to be able to be find a student room outside of the city centre. This room will even be guaranteed for the duration of your studies in the Amsterdam area, including masters and beyond (PhD is also included) and the rent is government-controlled, meaning that it is the most affordable option around.  

Another way to find housing after your three years at AUC, is of course to look on the private market. Amsterdam has a very tight housing market and a lot of people who want to live here, so be careful not to expect too much from this. You could be lucky though! Especially if you develop a network of older students who may be able help you get a foot in the door. Moreover, there are also commercial student housing corporations in Amsterdam, such as “the student hotel” or “student experience”, that offer rooms without a waiting list, but at a premium price. More housing tips can be found on the UvA website.

If you are reading this as a new first year student, or at any time during your studies, and if you haven't already done so, you are really advised to register as soon as you can for the waiting lists for rent-controlled student housing. The cost of this is EUR 22,50 for Studentenwoningweb and EUR 30 for and the registration is valid for eight years. While you may not think of this now, there are more AUC students than you think who end up continuing their studies in Amsterdam after the three years in the AUC student residences, may it be for master’s or to simply complete some final courses, and they always regret it if they do not register.   
For more information and instructions on how to register, go here: 

AUC Room selection and room change requests 

Before the first semester at AUC, every new first-year student is added to a custom DUWO-AUC room selection platform ( and get a chance to select their first room. There are always more students with very specific preferences than there are rooms available, which means that not all students will be able to select the room of their highest preference. As a courtesy, AUC offers one chance at the end of the first year to relocate within the Student Residences. 

Each year in March/April, all first-year students are automatically invited to sign up for this opportunity. By signing up, they confirm that they are giving up their current room and wish to register for a new allocation round. Signing up means that you will have to vacate your current room, even if you don’t find exactly what you were looking for. After all, your current room will be added to once you sign up, and it may be chosen by someone else during the re-allocation round. The new housing contracts resulting from the re-allocation room selection round are legally binding. But rest assured, we have a lot of rooms to offer! We ensure that relocating students get a chance to choose a new room before the new first-years select their rooms, providing plenty of choices. Unfortunately, after this one-off "reshuffle" moment, it is not possible to change rooms again or at any other time. Therefore, it is important that you choose wisely! 

Living off-campus

During the first three years of your degree, it is not possible to live off-campus, as it is an intrinsic part of the AUC experience to reside together with your fellow students. Conversely, after your three years of guaranteed housing, staying on campus is not possible, and you will need to find off-campus accommodation.  

Individual requests to live off-campus are not taken into consideration, as rooms are reserved for all first-years for the entire three years of guaranteed housing, right upon their admission. If AUC would allow a student to live off-campus, it would lead to a planning issue and a financial gap, so it is simply not possible.  

After three years of guaranteed housing, it may be possible to register on an AUC waiting list for any remaining rooms or sublets from AUC students studying abroad. This information will be communicated yearly to all third-years, typically around March/April. 

Terminating your enrolment and moving out

If you decide to terminate your enrolment as a student at AUC, you must first plan a meeting with your tutor to discuss your departure. You will be asked to fill in a "Leaving AUC Form" in the Digital AUC Servicedesk. Afterward, you will need to take some practical steps, such as terminating your official university enrolment through Studielink. Your tutor will be able to explain the exact procedure to you. You can terminate your enrolment through Studielink effective from the 1st day of the next upcoming month. 

Once you know and have confirmed your official study end date (the first day of the next upcoming month), you can contact DUWO to request a termination of your tenancy agreement. Please note that there is an additional one-month notice period on your housing contract. When contacting DUWO, it is recommended that you use a DUWO contact form (after logging in to their website) so that your request can be traced to your account and assigned to a DUWO customer service agent with knowledge of AUC. Taking one month's notice into account, you will be able to move out by the last day of the month of your official enrolment end date. 

Here's an example: If Student A decides to drop out of the AUC programme on 15 October, the first possible day to de-enrol from the university is 1 November (the first day of the next upcoming month). After contacting DUWO with a tenancy agreement termination request, they will be able to move out by 30 November (the last day of the month when they are no longer enrolled). 

If you prefer to stay until the end of the semester or the end of the academic year, this might be possible depending on your circumstances. Please contact AUC’s Digital Servicedesk to discuss an alternative contract end date. 

Negative BSA and terminating your tenancy agreement

If you receive a negative binding study advice (meaning that you have not passed enough courses in your first year), you will be required to terminate your studies by the end of the academic year and vacate the student residences. In the case of a negative BSA decision, you will have the option to move out immediately on the first available moving date, which you must confirm with DUWO (15 July, 1 August, 15 August, or 31 August). You do not need to wait until your university enrolment is automatically terminated by the end of August. For more information, please refer to the BSA guidelines. 

AUC or DUWO: who to contact?

Naturally, AUC is very concerned with the living conditions of its students and maintains regular communication with DUWO to address all matters related to residential life. However, it is essential to clarify that the landlord, DUWO, is responsible for handling all technical and administrative aspects concerning the student residences. AUC's most significant involvement lies in the room allocation procedure and managing the social aspects of life within the student residences. 

If you have questions about room allocation, social life, or events in the dorms, feel free to contact the Digital AUC Service Desk. Another reason to reach out to AUC is if you need advice on cohabitation issues or how to effectively share a house with your roommates; the Student Life Officer will be very happy to provide you with useful tools and insights. 

For all other questions related to the technical aspects of the building, your room, your rental contract, or any facilities-related matters, please contact your landlord, DUWO

Tenants Association

Every year, a new AUC Tenants Association is formed on a voluntary basis. All AUC tenants have the opportunity to participate in this student board. If you have any issues, tips, advice, or questions, please feel free to contact the Tenants Association. They might be able to turn your ideas for the student residences into reality or address broader issues for the collective improvement of all tenants. You can reach them via email at or find them on Facebook. 

Moving in with a spouse/partner 

New students who are married or in a legally registered partnership may request couples accommodation, even if their spouse or partner is not an AUC student. Unfortunately, AUC cannot accommodate non-legally registered partners. 

If you enter a relationship with another AUC student, it is possible to move in with your partner at the end of your first year through the first year housing reshuffle, subject to availability. Technically, you would then become roommates, and in such cases, you are simply requesting a mixed-sex roommate. 

Should you get married or enter a legally registered partnership during your time at AUC, you may ask to be waitlisted for couples' accommodation. 

Cohabitation issues

Faced with an issue in cohabitation, students are expected to resolve the issue themselves through negotiation, problem solving, and maintaining good peer relations. If you are unable to resolve a conflict, please contact the Student Life Officer

Medical needs

If a student is studying with an underlying medical condition or a disability that requires a specific living situation (e.g., a wheelchair user), they are encouraged to contact the Student Life Officers to discuss their condition and housing needs. Students will be asked to provide a short report disclosing their health conditions so that the SLO can determine if special housing accommodation can be offered. Further documents may be required, depending on the case. If approved by the Student Life Officer, a request for a new living space will be submitted. Depending on availability, the student may be placed on a waiting list until the required accommodation becomes available.  

Shared communal spaces: living rooms and balconies

AUC encourages the proper use of the shared communal spaces in the student residences. While we understand that it can be challenging to get all your string mates on board to make use of the living room or balcony on your floor, and help out with cleaning and maintaining it, we highly encourage you to discuss the potential of using the living room or balcony with your neighbours. 

Each shared space is locked by default, but each string can choose a string representative, who will hold the key to the space, and is in the lead to make good use of it. Once a string representative has been chosen, they will manage the living rules, cleaning schedule, and an inventory of the room and a schedule for planned activities. The string representative can grant tenants permission to use the room or balcony and can lend you the keys. They are also in charge of the relationship with DUWO and managing the space, ensuring it stays clean and tidy. 

Rent benefit (huurtoeslag)

Rent benefit (in Dutch: huurtoeslag) is a governmental contribution towards the payment of your rent. In the AUC student residences, the single-room apartments have been designed for independent households and therefore eligible for rent benefit. However, there are specific conditions you should meet to receive the benefit, such as a being at least 18 years old and having a maximum amount of income or assets. Both Dutch and international students can apply for rent benefit. If you live in one a shared unit, you will not be eligible for rent benefit, but your rent is lower, meaning the final cost will be quite similar.

Visit the following website to find out more about the criteria for rent benefit:

Important further reading

Here is a list of the most important documents and information sources related to your student housing, we urge you to fully read through these documents: 

  • You can find the majority of your individual legalities regarding your own apartment and the agreement between you and DUWO in your housing contract (also called a tenancy agreement). 
  • For the complete tenancy regulations, please consult the DUWO tenancy regulations for “University Housing”. Keep in mind that they may be updated and could change throughout your studies. 
  • To access the AUC Social Code of Conduct, please follow this link
  • The rules and regulations regarding the use of shared spaces can be found here: Access the 10 main rules for living rooms: Access the 10 main rules for living rooms