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In your third year at AUC, you'll complete a Capstone project (Bachelor's thesis). This individual research project lets you delve into a topic of your choice and represents the culmination of your study programme.


During your capstone, you will be enrolled in the Capstone course on Canvas which will provide you with further guidelines and instructions on completing and submitting your Capstone project. Please note that the Capstone is a requirement for graduation.

Capstone Guidelines

Each year, the guidelines of the Capstone are updated by the Capstone coordinator and published on the AUC website (under Downloads). In these guidelines, you can find projected learning outcomes, how capstones are assessed and how they are graded. 

Capstone supervisors & readers from past years

The documents below list individuals who have served as AUC Capstone supervisors and readers over the past few years. The documents include the name and email address of each supervisor/reader. You can visit the individual's academic bio by clicking on their last name. Please note that just because an individual is listed here does not mean that they can automatically serve in the desired role for you; you must contact them first to see if it is possible. Also, this list is not exhaustive or prescriptive; students can contact anyone in the UvA/VU/AUC ecosystem to serve in the desired role (if it makes sense for your area of research). Finally, individuals have only been listed once, but some experts have supervised/read capstones in more than one major.

Capstone Forum in June

Each year at the end of June, there is a Capstone Forum during which selected students from each major present their capstone research to interested audience members and experts. All students and staff are welcome to join the event which takes place in AUC's Common Room. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Capstone team via

Capstone Team

The Capstone Team consists of:

  • Dr. Lotte Tavecchio (coordinator)
  • Kathleen Bannink (Capstone administrator)

You can contact the Capstone team via via

Capstone Team Office Hours: Thursday from 10.30 to 11.30

The Capstone Team holds weekly office hours from 10.30 to 11.30 on Thursday during the 16-week periods on Zoom. If you have a question about your Capstone project, simply log in and ask directly by using the following link: