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The Academic & Social Codes of Conduct express the standards of behaviour expected from all members of the community at AUC. Students are responsible for knowing and complying with these codes.

AUC is committed to creating the best learning and living environment possible for its students. The AUC Codes of Conduct generally express the standards of behaviour that we expect at all times from all members of the AUC community. For AUC students, the Codes of Conduct express in more detail our expectations with regard to respect for the integrity of the academic process, individual integrity and self-respect, respect for the freedoms and rights of others, and respect for university facilities and resources and the property of others, while at the same time respecting the rights of students to conduct their own personal lives. 

Students are responsible for knowing and complying with the Codes of Conduct. AUC expects each of its students to not only uphold the values expressed within the Codes, but to exemplify them.