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Fast and reliable WiFi is available both in the academic buildings and student residences at AUC. In the student residences, please note that you must bring your own wireless router and ethernet cable to access the network.

As an AUC student, you have access to the UvA's and VU's wireless networks at various UvA and VU buildings and in lecture and study rooms. Internet access in the student residences is provided, but you must bring your own wireless router and ethernet cable.

AUC/UvA wireless networks

To access the UvA wireless networks (including in the AUC building), you will need your UvAnetID and log-in. Below you can find the steps and software needed to access the WiFi networks on UvA campuses. These networks are titled "eduroam" or "uva". 

If you have any problems with the wireless network at AUC or UvA buildings, you can visit one of the UvA ICT Services help desks in the UvA study centres (for example at the Faculty of Science, Science Park 904, in the Library) or contact the UvA Digital ICTS Service Desk.

Accessing VU wireless networks

The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam campuses also use the "eduroam" wireless network. Once you set-up your log-in for the UvA campuses, you will be able to access the VU wireless facilities as well. Alternatively, once you have access to your VUnetID, you can also visit the link below to set-up "eduroam" via your VUnetID if you wish to do so. 

WiFi in the student residences

An internet connection by internet provider Ziggo is included in the service costs of your rental contract. In order to set-up a wireless network, you will need to bring your own wireless router and install it in your room. A cabled internet connection will be available on arrival at the dorms (please bring your own ethernet cable). You can find more information via the DUWO website about available services and more specific information on types of routers via the ittdesk website via the links below.

Amsterdam Science Park open wireless network

Should you have an issue connecting to the UvA wireless networks, there is also an open WiFi network available throughout Amsterdam Science Park. The network is named "Amsterdam Science Park" and requires just a simple click and agreement to terms of use before being connected.