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Every AUC student is fully enrolled at both the UvA and VU. For each institution, you will receive a unique student number and login called your UvAnetID and VUnetID. Many ICT services at AUC are provided by the UvA, meaning your UvAnetID is particularly important.

Every AUC student is enrolled as a UvA student as well as a VU student. For each institution you will receive a unique student number and login, your UvAnetID and VUnetID. 

  • If you are a UvA-first student (you enter AUC through the UvA - this is mostly for non-Dutch students) then you first get a UvAnet-ID and after your tuition payment has been confirmed, you also receive a VUnet ID. 
  • If you are a VU-first student (mostly for Dutch students) then you first enrol a student at the VU and as soon as you have paid your tuition, you also receive an UvAnet-ID.

Your ICT services and all ICT services at AUC are provided by the UvA, so your UvAnetID is particularly important.