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Your opinion matters. Here’s an exciting opportunity to ensure AUC collects as many valuable responses from students as possible! Join the Response Rate Contest by filling in the course evaluations. Your class will have a chance to win a special prize while contributing to the improvement of our courses.

How it works: 

  1. As a class, achieve a minimum of 75% response rate for your course in the course evaluations. 
  2. Your class is automatically entered into the contest. 
  3. From all classes with a minimum of 75% response rate, one will be drawn as the winner. The winning class will be announced in January. We will soon share the date of announcement!

The winning class 

All students, and the lecturer, from the winning class will receive a special prize as a token of our appreciation. 

Why your feedback matters 

Course evaluations help shape the future of our education here at Amsterdam University College. By participating, you actively contribute to creating a better learning experience for yourself and future students. 

How to participate 

Simply complete your course evaluations and ensure that the total course response reaches the 75% response rate threshold. Every class meeting this target has an equal chance to win! Are you ready to share your thoughts?  

To get a better understanding of what is being done with your feedback, we refer you to this page: