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During the 16-week and 4-week course evaluations, your responses matter even more. AUC will be making a donation to charity, and you, the students, will influence the amount. Fill in the evaluations by 7 July to contribute to the cause.

Charity donations per response rate

For every percentage increase in response rate, €10 will be donated to a charity, with a maximum donation cap of €1000 at a 100% response rate. The budget will specially be made available from our educational development funds, since student feedback is at the core of educational and curriculum development.

Vote for a charity

In addition, you will have a say in where the money goes to. Once you have filled out your course evaluations, make your way to the designated white board in the AB main hall. Here, you can vote for any charity, as long as it has a PBO (Dutch: ANBI) status. When course evaluations have closed, we will review your submissions and make donations to the three charities with ANBI status that have received the most votes. We will also inform you about the charities you chose and the total donation amount achieved through your completion of course evaluations. 

How to fill in your course evaluations

Search for ‘UvAQ’ in your student mail inbox and open the invitation to fill in the evaluations per course.

Why it's important to fill in course evaluations  

Once you have complected your evaluation, several AUC staff members read and engage with your feedback.

  • Your lecturer reviews the course evaluation and discusses the feedback with fellow lecturers in a peer review process. Lecturers then formulate adjustments for the next edition of the course.
  • The Heads of Studies read both the course evaluations and lecturers’ reflections, and use these to reflect on the quality of all courses in a major or the Academic Core. The Director of Education and the Heads of Studies then report their conclusions about the quality of the curriculum back to the Board of Studies. In that report, they formulate important action points for the next semester or academic year.
  • Finally, the Board of Studies also reviews course evaluations – and comments! – and makes recommendations to the Director of Education and Heads of Studies to strengthen the quality of the AUC programme.