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Starting in June 2024, course registration will take place via GLASS instead of AUC Portal. This means you will have to submit your course preferences for the first semester of 2024-2025 via

Course registration for Semester 1: 10 – 17 June 

To register for courses for the upcoming semester, you can register anytime between Monday 10 June and Monday 17 June 2024 via GLASS. This system is also used by UvA and will create the best possible timetable based on your course preferences. You will receive further instructions soon. 

Add/Drop is now post-registration and late registration 

Just like before, you will be able to alter your course preferences after the regular course registration period closes. This will take place during post-registration and late registration, previously known as Add/Drop. Please note that there will be an additional, late registration period for the January intensive.  

Entry requirements (previously known as prerequisites) 

Formerly known as prerequisites, entry requirements will be in effect for some courses. In order to take these courses, you will have to meet these requirements before the start of the course, or you will have to apply for an exception to the entry requirement(s).  

More information  

Find more information about course registration and GLASS on the Course registration page.