Workshop by Jellinek, Unity and the Student Life Officers about drug use
As a student in Amsterdam, this city offers you diverse and vibrant experiences. While discovering a new city and making new friends, it’s entirely possible that you may encounter or hear about alcohol and other drugs. Whether it's a beer, a joint, a pill, or a bump, as a student you're likely to encounter these substances or simply become curious about them.
The use of alcohol and other drugs can have a significant impact on your health and well-being. What’s up with that? You might have burning questions of your own. For instance, what happens if you use substances when you're feeling low? Which drugs pose the highest risks? And what's the real extent of drug use among students?
Jellinek and the SLOs will host a workshop about alcohol and drug use on 5 March at 12:45 in room 1.01A. No matter your relationship with alcohol and drugs, this workshop will provide a deep dive into the dangers of addiction.
During this workshop, Jellinek and Unity Amsterdam will answer all your questions - and more! Jellinek is an expert in the field of alcohol and other drugs, while Unity Amsterdam is committed to promoting responsible drug use.
In other words, this is your chance to dive deeper into the highs and lows of alcohol and other drugs. You get reliable information to separate fiction from fact. This is your chance to put your knowledge about alcohol and other drugs to the test!
Jellinek Prevention aims to prevent problems related to alcohol, drugs, gaming, and gambling. They provide education to the public, at-risk groups, and professionals. The information provided is objective, fact-based, and non-moralising. Jellinek operates on the principle that adults, when equipped with this information, can make their own informed decisions about alcohol and drugs, as well as their effects and risks.
As a prevention specialist, Ayla primarily focuses on topics related to alcohol and other drugs. She provides education and lectures in higher education, advises on policies for students and study associations, and trains student counsellors. Additionally, she offers support and coaching to young people and students who want to gain better insight into their own use and may wish to cut back or quit altogether.