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This academic year starts with new habits. From 4 September 2023 onwards, we will stop facilitating singe-use cups, meaning you have to bring your own cup to the Academic Building.

Phone, keys, wallet, cup! 

Remember the time before reusable water bottles? Nowadays, the reusable bottle has become ingrained into our day-to-day water intake, saving a lot of waste. Similarly, reusable cups will be the new protagonist of the beverage-to-go. Only over the past year, the University of Amsterdam used 2 million single-use cups. Their average life span? Ten minutes per cup! Bringing our own cups will make a big difference. 

Buy a cup at the AB Cafe

Did you forget to bring your cup? Though we would like to encourage you to bring your own cup, you can also buy a cup at the Academic Building Cafe. Cherish the cup and hold onto it!

Thrifting cups

Did you just move into the student residences? Or are you short of cups? We highly encourage to take a trip to a thrift store, where many mugs are awaiting a second life.