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Student life can be tough. It’s not easy balancing school, your social life, work, exercise, and more. That’s why it’s extra important to be aware of how you’re doing and to take good care of yourself.
Smiling young woman using laptop in kitchen before breakfast

Caring Universities looking at student well-being

Caring Universities is a collaboration between Dutch universities which aims to improve the psychological health of students through events like free online coaching and evidence-based programmes to improve sleep and self-esteem. You can also combat stress, procrastination and low mood, or work to improve your overall mental well-being. You can explore the programmes here. 

Invitation to fill out the Mental Health Check

The Student Life Officer's team invites you to fill out the Mental Health Check to give you more insight into your psychological well-being. Aside from reflecting on your mental health, you'll also be helping other students as it contributes to our knowledge of the student community and how to improve our well-being services.