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You have from Monday 10 June 10.00 until Monday 17 June 13.00 to submit your course preferences in GLASS, the new course registration platform.

If you are experiencing any technical issues during the course registration procedure, please check the technical issues page on Canvas.

Timeline for course registration

You can find the timeline for course registration Semester 1 (2024-2025) below. Please note you can register at any time during the course registration period; course registration is not on a first-come-first-served basis.

Monday 10 June, 10.00 Course registration opens in GLASS. 
Thursday 13 June, 16.00 Deadline to submit entry requirement exceptions via the AUC Digital Service Desk
Monday 17 June, 13.00 Course registration closes. The algorithm will try to find the most optimal timetable for you. 
Tuesday 25 June, 10.00 Course registration results are made available in GLASS.

How to register for courses 

  • Re-enrol in Studielink, otherwise you will not be able to register for courses. 

  • Double check entry requirements in the 2024-2025 course catalogue, as some requirements have been subject to change due to the implementation of GLASS. You can submit an exception to the entry requirements until 13 June in GLASS. 

  • Go to GLASS and register for 30 EC (4 + 1) of AUC courses: 4 courses in the 16-week period and 1 course for the January intensive. Not requesting a full course load is allowed if you have a valid reason, such as taking an off-campus course or due to not needing a full semester of credits. If you request more than 30 EC of AUC courses in the regular course registration period, then your submission will not be considered valid and you will not be included in this round. 

  • If you intend to do a Community Project or Internship (CP/I), you should select this as a course in GLASS. 

What's next?

After the regular course registration period closes, the system will create the best possible timetable for your course selection. If the course you want to take is oversubscribed, you will be able to submit alternative choices during post-registration and late registration (previously known as Add/Drop). 

Questions? Contact us 

Please feel free to reach out to the registrar via the AUC Digital Service Desk.