Plan your curriculum
AUC Portal is the online study planner used by Amsterdam University College. In AUC Portal, you can find information on courses, plan which ones to take and use an interactive tool to plan your personal curriculum.
The Curriculum Planner in AUC Portal has been designed carefully to reflect the degree requirements in the Academic Standards and Procedures. However, it does not always capture off-campus courses and individual exemptions by the Board of Examiners. Although the curriculum planner has been thoroughly tested it may still provide incorrect or incomplete overviews. Therefore, it should be used as a planning tool only and its results must always be checked against the AS&P to ensure that you meet the graduation requirements.
Course registration no longer takes place in AUC Portal. Instead, you will use GLASS to register for courses. Read more about course registration in GLASS by accessing the following page:
The AUC Curriculum Planner tool is integrated into the AUC Portal environment and allows you to easily view graduation requirements, review where you are in the process of fulfilling them and plan course selections for future semesters.
You can use the AUC Curriculum Planner for the following purposes:
Click on ‘available courses’ in AUC Portal. All courses offered in the current academic year for which you have met the entry requirements are presented in a vertical list to the left. You may search for courses for which you do meet the entry requirements by typing in the name of the course in the search box. Courses for which you do not meet the entry requirements will appear with a warning triangle, which you can hover over to view entry requirements not met.
Please note that the actual course registration takes place in GLASS; not in AUC Portal.
AUC Portal will count courses in a way that fulfils the most important entry requirements first. There are general requirements for all majors.
Boxes to the right of each requirement indicate the number of courses that are needed to fulfil the requirement. The boxes will be any of the following three colours:
Hovering over a group of boxes will open a window presenting specific courses that have been passed, currently registered courses, and how many courses are still outstanding.
Click on the text of a specific graduation requirement (for instance ‘Academic Writing Skills’) and a window will appear indicating what courses are being counted toward that requirement and what courses are still outstanding.
This feature allows you to create a PDF statement of courses that you are currently registered for. You may request a certified copy of this form from the registrar, if needed. Please reach out to the registrar via the AUC Digital Service Desk to make this request.