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The AUC Solidarity Fund is a student-led initiative that provides financial aid for AUC students in cases of financial emergency as well as guidance to prevent such situations.

The AUC student community is tight-knit and ambitious but for some, unexpected financial difficulties can get in the way of academic and social participation. They can happen to anyone, but differences in socio-economic backgrounds can impact the buffer students may have to cope with such situations.

While there are other options and resources that offer financial support for students in Amsterdam and the Netherlands, the AUC community is aware of cases where students’ requests are not sufficiently accommodated. Hence, the AUC Solidarity Fund hopes to provide an additional possibility for those students seeking emergency financial relief, but who have been unable to acquire funding from alternative sources. We want to stimulate the creation of a shared buffer that will ensure that unexpected financial difficulties do not hinder students’ academic endeavours.

Apply for support

Since March 2018, the AUC Solidarity Fund has been accepting requests for support. Details sent are only available to Solidarity Fund faculty members to protect students' anonymity. These faculty members will carefully review all applications and deal with them accordingly. Students can apply for multiple loans from the AUC Solidarity Fund as long as the last loan taken has been reimbursed.

Some examples of scenarios where students may want to apply for a loan include:

  • “I need money to pay for my flight back home”
  • “My laptop broke, and I need money to buy a new one”
  • “I lost my job so I can’t pay rent this month”
  • ”Because of the pandemic, I was unable to pay for my basic expenses”

For AUC students wishing to apply for financial assistance, please begin by filling in the application below, send it to the AUC Solidarity Fund email address and one of the board members will be in touch shortly. Please note that there are flexible repayment options available and alternative arrangements can also be made.

Donations and fundraising 

Finally, it is important to note that your help is needed to keep the fund running! While there is an active team of students and faculty members managing the fund, time and resources remain limited. So, be it helping with fundraising or through direct donations, we urge you to be proactive so that this project can be maintained.

You can make a financial donation one of two ways: 

  1. Donate via PayPal
  2. Make a bank transfer to: 
    • Stichting AUC Solidarity Fund
      NL91 INGB 0007 5998 84

AUC Solidarity Fund Board 

The Board of the AUC Solidarity Fund is composed of AUC faculty members. The current board members are: 

  • Dr. Jonathan Gill
  • Dr. Michael McAssey
  • Dr. Thijs Etty

Contact the AUC Solidarity Fund

You can contact the AUC Solidarity Fund by sending an email to the address below.