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General suggestions/complaint form

Please complete and submit this form. if you have any complaints or a suggestion for AUC.

The form will be received by AUC Administration and forwarded to the appropriate member of staff for action.  Please mind that your complaint cannot be handled anonymously if we strive for a solution. 

  • If your complaint is about the AS&P not being followed, then at least the BoE will be informed ;
  • If the complaint concerns the behaviour of a staff member, then at least their supervisor will be informed;
  • If the complaint concerns the quality of education, then at least the Director of Education will be informed;
  • If the complaint concerns tutoring, then at least the senior tutor will be informed;
  • If the complaint concerns another student's behaviour or incidents in the dorms, then a Student Life Officer will be informed, and possibly DUWO. 

Private or confidential complaints/suggestions

If it is a very private or confidential question, please first talk to your tutor or with the Senior Tutor, particularly if it's related to your studies, or with the Student Life Officer.

Complaints will always be taken very seriously, but AUC may not be able to act immediately after having heard only one side of the story. Enquiries may need to be made about how the other parties involved perceive the matter.

Appeals related to grades or academic matters (AS&P)

Please note that grade appeals need to be sent to the Board of Examiners via the Digital AUC Service Desk . You can refer to the Canvas pages for the Board of Examiners and also to the AUC Academic Standards & Procedures for more details on academic matters and disputes. 

Reporting incidents of harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct

Matters of harassment, discrimination and/or sexual misconduct are taken very seriously. If you want to report or make a complaint about an incident of harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct, please use this form.  It is possible to report an incident anonymously, but you will have to give your name if you want to make a complaint.