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AUC students are eligible to participate in the clubs, committees and events hosted at the cultural centres of the UvA and VU Amsterdam: CREA and Griffioen.

University of Amsterdam: CREA

If you are interested in taking creative courses, taking part in debates, perform, want to learn something new, join plays or theatre troupes, or just want to use a rehearsal studio, then we recommend that you check out the Cultural Student Centre of the University of Amsterdam: CREA.  As an AUC student, you are eligible to take part in their courses and activities at a discounted rate. 

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Griffioen

Similar to the University of Amsterdam's CREA, VU Amsterdam offers cultural and artistic courses and activities through Griffioen, the student cultural centre of the VU. Although most of their courses and activities are offered in Dutch, their English offering is expanding each year. Have a look at their offerings and use your student discount to get involved!