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Do you disagree with a grade you've received? You can start by first contacting your teacher. If you are still unsatisfied after that, you can submit an official appeal to the Examination Appeals Board (VU COBEX).

As outlined in the article in the Academic Standards and Procedures, the first step to take if you are unsure about why you have received a grade is to contact the teacher. You have the right to inspect your written work and also the assessment criteria within two weeks of the grade for a particular assignment being posted on Canvas.

After contacting your teacher, if you are still unsatisfied, you have the right to appeal. Appeals should be directed to the Examination Appeals Board of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU COBEX). Before taking this step, it is advisable for you to discuss your course of action with your tutor. You many also consult with the Student Ombudsman to discuss both your case and/or your appeal in more detail.

 If you would like to submit a grade appeal (for an assessment or an entire course), you need to email to start the procedure. Please also note that the COBEX requires you to include your email address and to sign the grade appeal. You can read more about the grade appeal procedure on the VU website via the button below.