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Start preparing for life after AUC with the Graduate Futures page on Canvas, the University of Amsterdam's job board and the entire career services office of the UvA.

The Graduate Futures Canvas environment has been developed as a space to help current AUC students prepare for life after graduating. In order to help you realise your goals, AUC has developed a programme tailored to the individual needs and ambitions of students so that you can take the first steps into your future study or career path. 

Deciding on Master's programmes and career paths

The programme will help you decide which Master's/career preparation activities to focus on and helps you create a career plan. There are several assignments to give you a sense of what you can and may want to do. All in all, these exercises help give clarity on how to proactively give shape to your future.

Learn more about your skills and what you want to do

The modules consist of short texts, extensive guides, tests, assignments and informative videos. You can decide to share the assignments with your tutor or the Master's & career coach to discuss them and reflect on what they mean.

You can access the AUC Graduate Futures Information on Canvas via the link below and by logging in with your student number.

Contact us

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Alumni & External Relations Officer, Gerylaine Campos.