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All students making use of ICT resources are required to follow the ICT code of conduct. We’ve included some examples of these ICT do’s and dont’s.

Examples of ICT do's and don'ts

  • Keep your access codes [UvAnetID] confidential and do not share them with others.
  • Choose passwords that are not obvious, and change your passwords regularly.
  • Save your data on the server or make backups.
  • Take precautions to prevent computers from being hacked.
  • Do not perform any activities that violate any laws, including copyright legislation.
  • Do not spread any discriminating, libellous and/or offensive materials.
  • Do not install and/or use any illegal and/or undesirable software.
  • Do not spread any computer viruses, malware, etc.
  • Do not send unsolicited email; do not generate unnecessary amounts of network traffic.
  • Do not use your UvA [or VU] network connection for commercial purposes.