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Are you looking for casual advice or guidance from the AUC community? Peer Support is a group of AUC students offering support by students for students.

Whether you are looking for casual advice or guidance, know there are students in our community ready to help you. Many peers have experienced similar situations as you. Peer Support is a group of AUC students offering support by students for students. They can be a good first step to sharing your struggles and identifying what support you may need. Peer Supporters receive training in active listening, and they are supervised in their tasks by the Student Life Officers.

Emotional support and community building

Through offering a listening ear and emotional support they will try to help you clarify your concerns and options. If necessary, they can also refer you to other support resources. Peer Support also organises various activities and events during the year aimed at community building and raising awareness about mental health and well-being.


Your conversations with a Peer Supporter are confidential. A Peer Supporter would only break confidentiality in extreme circumstances; if they are worried about your safety or the safety of others. Please be mindful that while Peer Supporters are available for support, they remain students and not paid professionals.

Contact Peer Support

Do not hesitate to contact them with your problems or concerns, large or small.