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Amsterdam is full of clubs, teams and opportunities to exercise or participate in other sports. The University Sport Centre is located on campus in Science Park, meaning over 70 types of sports and activities are just next door.

University Sports Centre

Fitness, speed skating, tennis, aerobics, swimming, dancing, golf, and even parachuting: the USC offers more than 70 sports and activities at discount rates for UvA students and staff.

The USC's main building, the Universum, located in the Amsterdam Science Park, is open seven days a week and boasts a large gym, several halls, a climbing hall, squash courts, a dojo, a sauna and the sports bar 'Eetcafé Oerknal'.

There are 5 USC annexes:

  • Sportcentrum Universum, the main location at Amsterdam Science Park.
  • USC Tennis & Padel in Amsterdam East.
  • ASC, the AMC sports center next to the AMC hospital.
  • Amstelcampus sport & fitness, the fitness center at the Wibautstraat.
  • ClubWest sport & fitness, in Amsterdam New West.
  • USC Body & Mind, our yoga center in Amsterdam East.

In addition, the USC organises activities at specialist venues ranging from swimming to salsa dancing and from baseball to horseback riding.

Top-class athletics

The UvA has a Top-class Athletes Scheme specifically intended to provide top-class student athletes with assistance and financial support. For more information see the UvA website on top-class athletics.

AUCSA Catch committee

The AUC Student Association has a sports committee, Catch, which organises opportunities for AUC students to play sports and do fitness together. You can join them or follow along with witch sports and events they organise at their AUCSA Catch committee page

Sports associations

If you are interested in joining a student sport association, then you may be interested in one of the associations or clubs below.