AUC Student Council members and what they do
The Student Council establishes a policy plan for each academic year, communicates through its own channels and regularly holds office hours as ways to stay in contact with students and their needs.
The AUC Student Council is situated under the Student Council of the science Faculty of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Like every student council in the Netherlands, the AUC Student Council has legal rights to ensure that the students of AUC have a say in how AUC is run. This includes rights of approval, advisory rights and rights of initiative. An exact definition of these and other rights can be found in the Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (WHW) and the VU Regeling Medezeggenschap Studenten.
Elections for the AUC Student Council are held yearly, under the supervision of the Oversight Committee Student Council Elections and according to the VU regulations regarding student representation.
To download the willingness-to-stand form for the upcoming Student Council elections, please click here.