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Students with a Dutch passport can apply for studiefinanciering. For EU/EEA nationals there are also options for a study grant, other benefits or a tuition fee loan. Please be sure to check which rules apply to you.

Students with a Dutch passport can apply for studiefinanciering. More information can be found on the website of DUO ('Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs').

Links to an external site.If you are an EU/EEA national and work a minimum of 56 hours per month, you may be eligible to receive a study grant, loan and/or a public transport chip card (OV chipkaart) for free public transportation either during the week or on the weekends from DUO.

Please note for EU/EEA nationals that are not working the minimum amount per month to qualify for the Dutch study grant, you may be interested in the tuition fee loan optionLinks to an external site.

In the past, there was a maximum amount that you were able to earn in each calendar year without having to pay back your grant. The maximum amount for 2019 was € 14.682,96. However, in 2020, the Dutch government got rid of the limit for the maximum amount a student could earn without having to pay back the grant.  Please be sure to check which rules apply to you based on the date of your study finance and your personal situation. You can find more information about the new conditions here (in Dutch).