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There are number of scenarios where you may wish to terminate your enrolment at AUC. From graduating to withdrawing early, find out what steps you need to take depending on your situation.

I am graduating in September

If you are graduating in September, you don't have to terminate your enrolment in Studielink. For more information on the graduation procedure, please visit this page. 

I am graduating in February

If you’re graduating in February, you must terminate your enrolment via Studielink. You can do this by:

  1. Logging into Studielink.
  2. Select Terminate enrolment
  3. Fill out the Add request for termination of enrolment form
  4. Under "Reason" select Graduation
  5. Fill in "Terminate enrolment by" 1 March [if filling out the form during February]
  6. Under additional information, write "I wish to terminate my enrolment with a graduation date of 28 February"
  7. Confirm your request by ticking the box and clicking the blue button "Confirm

You submit a request for termination of enrolment via Studielink to inform your institution of higher education (AUC) that you wish to terminate your studies. Your request will be processed by the institution of higher education (AUC). They will officially terminate your enrolment. Please note that AUC's Registrar’s Office and UvA’s Central Student Administration will not terminate your enrolment at AUC until we have confirmed that you have fulfilled all of the degree requirements.

I am leaving AUC before graduating / dropping out

If you are contemplating leaving AUC before completing your studies, please ensure you contact your tutor first. Once you have reached a decision with your tutor and still intend to leave AUC, you must follow the steps detailed above.