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Each year at the start of the course registration period, a timetable of all classes is generated for all of AUC's courses. This timetable of all courses is made available digitally, through the UvA digital timetable website (

Your personal timetable

Your personal timetable is generated according to your course registrations in GLASS. Please keep in mind that your personal timetable is automatically updated in GLASS, throughout the semester, if there are any changes in your schedule. 

The timetable of all your scheduled classes for all your courses can be found on

Using the digital timetable of all AUC classes (MyTimetable)

Visit the digital timetable using this link:

  • Use the links at the top of the page to switch between Dutch and English, and to access the Help menu.
  • Click on ‘Add timetable’.
  • Under the appropriate academic year, go to 'Course' to search for a particular course and add its timetable.
    • Tip: To show only the timetable of one group for a course that has multiple groups, add the timetable for the course, then hover over the course name in the list on the right-hand side so that the little three-line menu appears on the right. Click on this and select “Filter activities ...”. You can then select just one group and only the timetable for that group will appear.
  • Alternatively, go to 'Programme of Study'; filter by 'Faculty'; choose 'Amsterdam University College'; and finally 'Select all'. You will get an overview of all courses.
  • Once you have registered for your courses, you can build your personal timetable with this tool and you will have a weekly overview of where and when your classes will take place.
  • You may want to use this direct link to the AUC timetable for today: Today's courses, room reservations and meetings

(Unexpected) changes to the timetable

The digital timetable will be updated in real-time. If anything unexpectedly changes in your timetable, an additional announcement will be made through Canvas (via the course's page). We recommend that you check your calendar in once a week so that you know your exact classes for that week.

Background information: Common timetable slots at AUC

There are two different possible timetable ranges at AUC. One for each of the two main periods within a semester: the 16-week period and the intensive period (January and June). Your personal timetable with your actual class times will only be available to you after you have registered for your courses. It is available through the digital timetable (see above).

If you are planning ahead and wondering how the timetable is typically constructed, or if you are curious about potential timetable slots for most of your courses, then have a look at the two documents below