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The 2024 end-of-year housing procedures have now been published.

We have published our annual housing update with all the end-of-year housing information, outlining the most important changes, updates and important dates regarding our AUC student residences that take place between now and the summer months.

Internal moving procedure for first-year students

Are you a first-year student who would like to change rooms within the student residences? You can register for an internal move until 25 April 2024 using the form below. This will allow you to select a different room in the student residences in April and move between 15 and 17 July 2024. Please note that signing up for this procedure is binding; you will give up your current room by registering below. More information can be read in the form:

Second-year students

For second-year students, nothing changes, but you can consider becoming a string representative in the next academic year! Take ownership over your string’s shared living room. More information can be found here.

Waitlist for non-graduating third-year students

If you are a third-year student who will move out of their room by 15 July 2024, and in need of housing during your extra semester(s) due to study delay, then you can sign up for the waitlist to be offered housing from August onwards (if space permits). Please note this is no guarantee that you can spend an extra semester in the student residences.