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At the end of each academic year, first-year students get the chance to move places during the internal moving round while third-year students move out and new students move in. Read all important updates and procedures for Summer 2024 below.

General news and housing updates

  • New housing officer: Naomi Tuinier

    We have new student housing coordinator at AUC: Naomi Tuinier is joining our professional support staff and together with the SLO she will be responsible for all housing matters at AUC.

  • 4-person housing mixer
    • If you will continue to live in  a 4p house next year, then you can be part of two housing mixers to find new roommate to fill up your house.
    • The first 4-person housing mixer will take place on Monday 13 May from 18:00 to 19:00 and will be for Early Bird applicants.
    • The second 4-person housing mixer will take place on Monday 3 June from 18:00 to 19:00 and will be for Regular Bird applicants. All houses that are already filled do not have to participate in the second mixer.
    • In order to participate with your house, please complete your house profile in this shared Google document here.
    • The deadline to enter your profile in the file is 6 May 2024
    • Please mind that at least one representative of your house needs to at least be available to join the housing mixer online in Zoom on 13 May from 17:45 until 19:00. And ideally also during the second mixer on 3 June.
  • Shared spaces (living rooms and balconies) will be closed over the summer break

    Please mind that to avoid cluttering, and to start off with a clean and cosy living rooms and balconies for the next tenants, all shared spaces will close over the summer months. Please make sure that you remove any of the items that belong to you that you wish to keep before mid-June 2024. The shared living rooms will close on Thursday 27 June 2024 until the next introduction week.  

  • Information about being a string representative next year updated

    The term of the current string reprensentatives lasts until the shared spaces close for the summer and can be found here.

  • Event spaces will remain open 

    Over the summer months the three event spaces will remain open, and AUCSA will manage these spaces. Be on the lookout for summer activities!

  • No cluttering (or “donating”) in hallways 

    Never leave any clutter, items intended to be sold or given away in the strings. These will be removed. If additional costs incur for the removal, then these will be charged to the string where the clutter was found. If you have items to donate, then please leave them at a Dutch kringloop center or bring them to the Pop-up free store.

  • Pop-up Free Store 
  • Rent increase in 2024 

    DUWO will inform all tenants of standard yearly rent increase at the latest by 2 May 2024. It is normal for all rents in the Netherlands to be adjusted to the inflation rates (and mind that these are quite considerable).  

  • Summer vacation outside of the Netherlands? Not in Amsterdam and wish to sublet? 

    Under strict conditions you may be able to sublet your room to another student from the Amsterdam region or a graduating AUC student, if you are not in Amsterdam this summer. More information can be found here. 

Information for current third-year students 

All AUC students are offered six semesters of guaranteed housing. This means that the housing contract with DUWO will automatically end after three years of living in the dorms. Since the graduation event in Carré takes place in the first or second week of July, we have agreed with DUWO that all housing contracts end on 15 July of the third year so that it is possible to attend graduation for every graduate. After 15 July, DUWO needs two weeks to prepare all the housing for the next generation of AUC students who start moving in on 1 August (including conducting room inspections and taking care of any necessary repairs). 

Moving out of your current room by the end date of your contract is unavoidable as contracts cannot be extended. We understand that it is stressful for those who need more time to graduate, but there is no option to change this.  Our Student Life Officers do their best to spot and prioritise students with special needs, but even they cannot be made any guarantees. In general, we are bound by the maximum capacity of our dorms (885 spots). It means that we cannot make any promises to any other category of student than our housing guarantee to every new generation of first-year AUC students who expect (and also need) three years of guaranteed housing. 

Waitlist for possibility of housing after 3 years 

Should there be a housing surplus for any reason (e.g. less first-years or exchange students), then we prioritise accommodating non-graduated third-years (and up), and in extreme cases of lots of surplus even alumni. Unfortunately, we do not have enough space in our student residences to make promises to anyone but the new first-years. 

This means that if you need more time to graduate, for whatever reason beyond your control, you will need to plan ahead and realise that you will have to move out by your housing contract end date and aim to find housing off-campus.

As a last resort you can join the waitlist and hope for a surplus of rooms in the dorms, but this is not a guarantee. It also means that you will not have housing during a period in the summer as you’ll need to move out by 15 July and can only move back in by 1 August. 

To register for the housing waitlist, please complete this form:

Below you will find information third-year students depending on your situation, one of the following three scenarios may apply to you: 

Option A. You are graduating and will move out: 

  • Your housing contract ends on 15 July 2024.  
  • It is not possible to shorten your housing contract to an earlier date (you will have to pay rent up to this date) but you can move out at any time you wish while continuing to pay rent for the duration of your contract. 
  • You will receive a reminder from DUWO six weeks before your housing contract ends to remind you and to plan your move. This end date is legally binding. 
  • You are expected to move out on the contract end date before 10:00 AM. It is not possible to ask for an extension if you need more time for the move, unless you have very exceptional circumstances.  
  • To avoid excessive crowding in elevators and corridors, and huge waste piles on 15 July we encourage you to plan (most of) your actual move (and bulky waste removal by the municipality) before the final day of your housing contract. 
  • The new tenant of your room will be determined for you. You will not be able to find a student yourself to take over your room. All rooms available for selection will be uploaded to the selection portal, and all students will get an equal chance to select any room.  
    • Turning in your keys: 
      • If a current first-year student selects your room during their selection moment in early May, then we expect the new tenant to contact you and you can pass on your keys to them directly since they will move in July. If the student does not contact you and you want get in touch with the next tenant yourself, you can ask DUWO by late June if your room has been selected and give them permission to share your details. If you come to an arrangement with the new tenant, then you as departing tenant should not forget to inform DUWO through the DUWO contact form that you have made an arrangement for handing over the keys yourself. Your room will then not be inspected by DUWO and the new tenant accepts the room as- is. 
      • If your room is not selected by a current first-year student for an internal move, then your room will be offered to new first-years during their May or June selection rounds. You can  get in touch with them by having sending your contact information and a request to DUWO, and then you can discuss selling items. It’s not possible to hand over your keys to the new tenant directly as they only start renting the room from 1 August. This means that you must hand in your keys to the DUWO caretakers in Room 794A on or before the contract end date at 10.00 AM, or you may deposit the keys in the mailbox of 794A. Make sure that you clearly label the keys with your name and room number. DUWO will use the two weeks until 1 August to perform room inspections. 
  • When you move out, your room should be completely clean and you have to take all your personal belongings, furniture etc. with you, unless the future tenant agrees to take over your items. If you fail to leave your room clean and empty, DUWO will charge cleaning costs. It is not permitted to leave unsold items in your current room. 
  • If you want to donate useful items to other students, then may take advantage of the “AUC Pop Up Free Store”. Donations to the store will be accepted over the months of June and July, and the store will be open for all AUC students to browse through and take items for free in August and early September. 
  • DUWO will place additional trash containers for hard rubbish in front of the dorms during the moving period (starting 1 July), but you can and should arrange bulky waste collection with the municipality yourself. If you want to recycle properly and spare the environment then please take notice of the official waste and recycling guides from the municipality. 
  • Selling or donating your furniture: Since you are moving out, you may want to pass on (some of your) belongings/items you no longer need to a future tenant. AUC will try to give every third-year an opportunity to sell furniture to the next tenant by making sure that the new generation of first-years select their rooms in May and June. This means that by early July you should be able to get in touch with the next tenant and offer them any items you wish to sell. Any remaining items you can also donate to the AUC Pop Up Free Store, so that they don’t go to waste. 

Option B: You are not graduating, and need an extra semester:  

  • You have to move out by the end date that is agreed in your housing contract. Your housing contract will end on 15 July 2024. 
  • You will be expected to follow the same steps as indicated above under A for moving out and turning in your keys. 
  • Make sure you arrange your re-enrolment and course registration for the next year. You must request extra study semesters through AUC’s Registrar. They will then add these semester(s) to your AUC Portal, so that you can arrange your courses for next year. This does not mean your housing can be extended. 
  • Look for off-campus housing, and as a last resort sign up for the housing waitlist. In order to be waitlisted for a room, you can leave your information here:
  • After having moved out, and if you have signed up for the housing waitlist, then you may be offered another room if there are extra spaces left in the Student Residences by August or early September.  
  • Should your personal circumstances (such as a disability) require a special solution, then you may check in with the Student Life Officers team to see if any help can be offered.  

Information for current first-year students 

Many first-year students will be satisfied with their current rooms and see no need to move. The internal move is a huge effort for all parties involved, please only move if you absolutely must. Please be reminded that there are also additional costs involved, as a new housing contract will lead to an administration fee, and rents increase each year.  

We understand that not all first-year students had a chance to select their preferred room type and we understand that they would like to use this opportunity to change rooms.

To register for the internal moving round, please register through this form before 25 April 2024:  

Below you will find information for first-year students depending on your situation, one of the following three scenarios may apply to you: 

Option A. You are happy with your current room and not interested in moving: 

  • You can stay in your current room. Nothing changes for you. 

Option B. You have previously used a medical provision.  

  • If you have already moved for medical purposes or special provisions at the beginning of your degree, you will not be allowed to move again during the internal move. If your medical condition has changed, you can request a new medical statement and the Student Life Officers will determine if an internal move can be granted. 

Option C. You want a new room and want to take part in the internal moving round: 

  • If you are a first-year student and wish to change rooms, please register by completing this form before 25 April 2024
  • By signing up for this moving round, you will terminate your current housing contract. Your room will be used in the housing allocation round to new first-years, after the internal moves are processed. 
  • In order to participate in this moving round, you will need to be in Amsterdam (or have some else proxy this procedure for you) between 15 July and 18 July 2024 to arrange the practicalities of your internal move. If you cannot be in Amsterdam and deliver your keys of your current room back to DUWO by 18 July 2024 at 10:00AM then you cannot participate in the move. 
  • All first-year students who have registered to be part of the moving round (with the exception of those who received a medical or special provision) will be uploaded to the room selection portal on 6 May 2024. You can then activate your account and see the available offer for 24 hours before the selection period begins. 
  • The available offer will consist of the currently empty spots in the dorms, and all the rooms that will be left by third-years after 15 July 2024. It’s not possible to move into the room of another current first-year.  
  • Before the room selection opens, you will have 24 hours to browse through the available rooms on offer in Then on a set date and time (this year on 7 May 2024, 12:00 Noon) the room selection will open and you will be able to select a room until 8 May 2024, 17:00. Rooms will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. If you log in late, then you will not see the full offer as rooms will have already been taken. 
  • If you do not take action in after being uploaded, then your current housing contract will still end, and you will be assigned new housing randomly according to what’s available. Please make sure you avoid missing the deadlines! 
  • Once you have selected a new room and received confirmation in the portal that you can upload documents, then the room is yours! You will then need to upload your ID, sign the contract and pay the first month’s rent. The new housing contract will be for the remainder of your three years of guaranteed housing (Starting 15 July 2024 and lasting until 15 July 2026). You can get in touch with the departing tenant about taking over any of their furniture. 
  • You will need to leave your current room before 18 July 2024 at 10:00AM, hand in your keys to the DUWO caretakers in Room 794A, or leave them in the mailbox for 794A. Make sure that you clearly label the keys with your name and room number. 
  • The room you are leaving behind should be completely clean and empty by 20 July, except for any items that you have sold to the next tenant. If you fail to leave your room clean and empty, DUWO will charge you additional cleaning costs. 
  • If you want to sell your surplus furniture to the newly arriving first-year student, then it’s possible to get in touch with the new tenant by asking DUWO to mediate your contact between 1 July and 15 July.    
  • The new tenants will not move in until 1 August, so it means that you hand in your keys to DUWO. DUWO will then perform a room inspection, so you must ensure that any sales of items are arranged and clearly marked before you leave your room (or you will have to take them with you to your new room). You may also donate items before you move out to the “AUC Pop Up Free Store”. 
  • DUWO will place additional trash containers for bulky waste in front of the dorms during the moving period (after 1 July), but you should also arrange bulky waste collection with the municipality yourself. If you want to recycle properly and spare the environment then please take notice of the official waste and recycling guides  from the municipality. 

Overview of important housing dates / timeline 2024 

24 April 2024

4p house overview document opens: If you will continue to live in a 4p house in the coming year, and you will be matching for a new roommate, then please add your house’s profile to the shared Google Doc, which will highlight all houses looking for roommates.

Link to doc
Deadline: 6 May

25 April 2024


Deadline for current first-years to sign up for the internal moving period.

6 May 2024

4p house overview document closes, last moment to sign up for the mixer as a 4p house.

6 May 2024

All current first-year students who have signed up for an internal move should be uploaded into the room selection Portal

If you have not received an invitation to by 12:00 noon, but have signed up and met the criteria, then please contact immediately. 

7 May 2024 12:00 

The room reservation period for internal movers / current first-year students opens. 

8 May 2024 17:00 

The room reservation period for internal movers / current first- year students closes. 

13 May 2024 18:00 – 19:00

First 4p housing mixer - for Early Bird applicants (online, in Zoom) for all houses who are looking for a new roommate

16 May 2024 12:00

Deadline for 4p houses to inform AUC housing coordinator of new roommate choices. Candidates will be informed on the same day.

3 June 2024 18:00 – 19:00

Second 4p housing mixer - for Regular Bird applicants (online, in Zoom) for all houses who are still looking for a new roommate

15 June 2024

Make sure you have removed any items from the shared living rooms, since they will close over the summer! 

30 June 2024

Deadline for new first-years to sign their rental contract and pay the first rent. After this date you will be able to contact DUWO to get in touch with the next tenant if you wish to sell any items.

1-15 July 2024

Donate items to the pop-up free store. Weekly opening hours t.b.c.

15 July 2024 

Official move-out day for students with a contract end date on 15 July, hand in keys before 10.00 AM (unless you have given them to the next tenant, then inform DUWO of this).

18 July 2024 

Latest possible key hand-in deadline (for the previous room) of students who did an internal move. Hand in keys before 10.00 AM. 

1 August 2024 

New first-year students housing contract begins 

August/September 2024 

All remaining available rooms will be offered fourth year and other waitlisted students, in order of registration on the housing waitlist. 

15 August – 26 August

Pop-up Free Store open for collecting items. Weekly opening hours t.b.c.

26 - 30 August
Introduction Week 2024

Sign up to be a string-representative in 2024-2025! Your living room will reopen as soon as a string-representative is chosen and confirmed.