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Students typically need to get approval from the BoE for any deviation or exception from the regular study programme. Find out how to submit a request to the BoE.

The Board of Examiners (BoE) is an independent committee whose tasks include the organisation and coordination of examinations, and is responsible for the degrees of AUC's Bachelor's programme. In addition, the BoE assesses requests of students concerning AUC's Academic Standards and Procedures (AS&P).

Requests for the BoE

Requests for the Board of Examiners should be sent to the Secretary of the Board of Examiners via AUC's Digital Service Desk. All requests must be accompanied by a copy of your planning grid (see template at the bottom of this page). Requests for recognition of off-campus or honours courses must always include a course manual and should be requested before starting those courses (i.e. before the start of the semester).

Authorising a representative to make a request on your behalf

In case of emergency or crisis, it may be that you are unable to complete a BoE request yourself.  In such a situation, you may authorise a representative – for example, a parent or lawyer – to submit a request on your behalf. To do so, the secretary of the BoE must first receive written confirmation via email or letter from you, the student, stating clearly that you are authorising your representative (include their full name) to submit a request to the Board of Examiners on your behalf.

Your representative can then email a request including details regarding the nature of the request and the required supporting documentation for consideration by the BoE as usual. Please note that in this instance your tutor will not automatically receive a prompt to provide feedback or notification of the request when it is submitted.

Please note that grade appeals should not be sent to the AUC Board of Examiners but to the COBEX ("College van Beroep voor de Examens"; Examination Appeals Board) of the VU. Read more about grade appeals here
