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From Monday 10 to Monday 17 June, you can submit your course preferences in GLASS, the new course registration platform.

Course registration in GLASS

For the upcoming semester, course registration will take place in GLASS instead of AUC Portal. Course registration will be open from Monday 10 June 10.00 until Monday 17 June 13.00. You can prepare for course registration by taking the following steps.  

How to prepare for course registration 

  • Re-enrol in Studielink. Otherwise, you will not be able to register for courses. From this year onwards, all AUC students should re-enrol with the University of Amsterdam (UvA), even if originally VU-first.
  • Make sure to double check the entry requirements, as certain course entry requirements have changed due to the introduction of GLASS. Entry requirement exceptions can be submitted between 1 and 13 June via the AUC Digital Service Desk.
  • Familiarise yourself with GLASS by reading the updated course registration page 
  • View the course overviews/placemats for Semester 1 (2024-2025) 
  • View the timetable for courses on
  • Plan a meeting with your tutor to discuss your study plan 

The updated course catalogue will be available as of 1 June. You can then also start planning courses in GLASS. 

To find more information about course registration, please visit the Course registration A-Z page:

Questions? Contact us 

Please feel free to reach out to the registrar via the AUC Digital Service Desk.